Investigation Management and Approval Centre (Synopsis)

Edmonton Police Service

Description: In October 2010, in response to growing demands for public accountability, effectiveness and efficiency, the Edmonton Police Service implemented its Investigation Management and Approval Centre (IMAC). This initiative, at the intersection of technology and business process, provides an accountable, integrated and centralized investigation management and processing system comprising six different work areas: the 24/7 Approval Centre, Detainee Management Unit, Charge Report Management Unit, Charge Report Disclosure Unit, Criminal Records Management Unit and Crown Liaison Unit. Additionally, Online Reporting is now integrated into the 24/7 Approval Centre.

Initially launched as a project, IMAC has evolved into a program with a fully functioning, centralized approval process and disclosure centre for all Divisions within the Community Policing Bureau and a select number of work areas within the Investigative Support Bureau. It has a fully operational application, I-Reporter, which helps manage and track investigative information in real time. In 2014, two new initiatives will be added: the integration of specialized investigative units into the process and the transition to a solely electronic disclosure model.
Objective: To achieve greater organizational efficiency and effectiveness through an innovative and standardized approval model, IMAC focuses on four core objectives:
  • commitment to professionalism;
  • investigative excellence;
  • increased efficiency and effectiveness; and
  • reduced crime and victimization.
Outcomes: The Edmonton Police Service has succeeded in creating a centralized approval process centre using standardized criteria to evaluate and approve charge reports. It can now accurately record and track information throughout the disclosure process, thus ensuring increased accountability in the Community Policing Bureau. Disclosure is now measured in days rather than weeks or months. Weekly reports generated by IMAC are distributed to divisional policing stations to drive accountability and manage performance.
Resources: To implement the initiative, funding was required to set up the centre (e.g., renovations, furniture, computer equipment and software, and administrative necessities). Existing human resources were reorganized within the police service to implement and administer IMAC. In 2014, IMAC will operate with a total of 114 personnel.
Province: Alberta
Record Entry Date: 2015-03-01
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