Publications and Reports

The Digitization of National Security: Technology, Transparency and Trust This fourth report explores digitization in greater depth and offers a sampling of some of the risks, challenges and opportunities stemming from national security’s expanding digital landscape. 2024-07-31
Directions for Avoiding Complicity in Mistreatment by Foreign Entities 2023 Annual Report This is PS’s fourth annual report detailing its activities related to the Act and the Directions. This report covers information sharing activities undertaken from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, and discusses PS’s compliance with the Act and the Directions. 2024-05-06
Federal Cyber Incident Response Plan This document describes Government of Canada (GC) coordination protocols for responding to cyber security events or incidents affecting non-GC systems. 2024-04-29
What We Heard and Learned Report: CSIS Act Consultations In November 2023, the Government of Canada launched public consultations on possible amendments to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (the CSIS Act) that would better equip CSIS to carry out its mandate to investigate, advise the Government of Canada, and take measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada and all Canadians. 2024-04-25
Canada Centre 2023 Conference on Countering Radicalization to Violence: What to Measure, How to Prevent At a time of converging drivers and vulnerabilities that are propelling extreme, grievance-fueled forms of violence, Public Safety's Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence (Canada Centre) designed its fourth international conference on countering radicalization to violence (CRV) around the theme of ‘What to measure, how to prevent.' 2024-02-02
What We Heard Report: Consulting Canadians on the merits of a Foreign Influence Transparency Registry This report provides an overview of the information received from over 1,000 online respondents and over 80 key stakeholder groups. The report also addresses public commentary in Canadian media on the implementation of FITR. 2023-11-24
Enhancing measures to counter foreign interference: Whether to amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act Amendments to the CSIS Act would better equip CSIS to carry out its mandate to investigate, advise the Government of Canada, and take measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada. 2023-11-24
Directions for Avoiding Complicity in Mistreatment by Foreign Entities The Government of Canada condemns torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of individuals, and recognizes that these acts are an affront to Canadian values. 2023-07-17
Horizontal Evaluation of the Project to Enhance the Passenger Protect Program The purpose of this evaluation was to examine the implementation of the project to enhance the PPP, including the centralized screening solution, the CTN and the Passenger Protect Program Operations Centre (PPOC). 2023-07-04
Summary of the Horizontal Evaluation of the Project to Enhance the Passenger Protect Program The purpose of this evaluation was to examine the implementation of the project to enhance the PPP, including the centralized screening solution, the CTN and the Passenger Protect Program Operations Centre (PPOC). 2023-07-04
Security of Canada Information Disclosure Act: A Step-by-Step Guide to Responsible Information Sharing This guide is intended to help the reader navigate the Security of Canada Information Disclosure Act (SCIDA) and to facilitate the development of effective and responsible information disclosure practices between Government of Canada (GC) institutions. 2023-03-20
Enhancing Foreign Influence Transparency: Exploring Measures to Strengthen Canada's Approach Public and Stakeholder Consultation Paper 2023-03-10
Research Security Information Update – July 2022 The Research Security Update is an open-source collation of information, produced by Public Safety Canada's Safeguarding Science team, on issues considered relevant to Canada's broad research security interests. 2022-08-03
Summary of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the National Cyber Security Strategy – Public Safety Canada's Initiatives The purpose of the evaluation was to examine the progress made by PS's NCSS initiatives in achieving their outcomes to improve cyber security in Canada. The evaluation covered the activities from fiscal year 2018-19 to mid-2021-22. 2022-06-27
Mid-Term Evaluation of the National Cyber Security Strategy – Public Safety Canada's Initiatives - Evaluation Report The purpose of the evaluation was to examine the progress made by PS's NCSS initiatives in achieving their outcomes to improve cyber security in Canada. The evaluation covered the activities from fiscal year 2018-19 to mid-2021-22. 2022-06-27
How National Security and Intelligence Institutions Engage with Racialized Communities Throughout our consultations in the past three years, we frequently heard about the trust gap between the country's national security institutions and Canadians, and in particular with racialized Canadians. 2022-05-31
Research Security Information Update - February 2022 The Research Security Information Update is an unclassified open-source collation, produced by Public Safety Canada's Safeguarding Science team, on issues considered relevant to Canada's broad research security interests. 2022-02-23
The Definition, Measurement and Institutionalization of Transparency in National Security In this second report, we lay out general principles related to the definition, measurement, and institutionalization of transparency in the national security and intelligence community. 2021-11-12
Research Security Information Update - May 2021 The Research Security Information Update is an unclassified open-source collation, produced by Public Safety Canada's Safeguarding Science team, on issues considered relevant to Canada's broad research security interests. 2021-05-26
Expert Webinar Series - Women in Terrorism and Counterterrorism with Dr. Joana Cook Public Safety Canada launched the 2020-21 National Security Expert Webinar Series in July 2020. 2021-03-10
Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit Public Safety organized five panels at the Summit on: national security and democratic values; expert perspectives on national security transparency; oversight and review bodies; diversity and inclusion in national security, and; the Christchurch Call to Action. 2021-03-10
Expert Symposium on Addressing Unconscious Bias, Diversity and Inclusion in National Security Public Safety Canada hosted its first annual Expert Symposium on Addressing Unconscious Bias, Diversity and Inclusion in National Security in Ottawa on March 4, 2020. 2021-03-10
National Security Transparency Advisory Group Initial Report : What We Heard In Our First Year Initial Report to the Deputy Minister of Public Safety Canada on Transparency in National Security 2020-12-08
Summary of the Evaluation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act Division 9/National Security Inadmissibility Initiative This report presents the results of the Horizontal Evaluation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act Division 9/National Security Inadmissibility Initiative (IRPA). 2020-10-30
Horizontal Evaluation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act Division 9/ National Security Inadmissibility Initiative This report presents the results of the Horizontal Evaluation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act Division 9/National Security Inadmissibility Initiative (IRPA). 2020-10-30
2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada In many ways, this year's threat update is similar to those of the recent past. The threat posed by those espousing violent interpretations of religious, ideological or political views persists, but has remained stable. 2019-04-29
Enhancing Canada's Critical Infrastructure Resilience to Insider Risk The purpose of this document is to provide Canadian critical infrastructure organizations with guidance on what constitutes insider risk and recommendations on how to monitor, respond to, and mitigate insider risk. 2019-04-11
National Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence In its ongoing efforts to keep Canadians safe, the Government of Canada is expanding how it responds to violent extremism. 2018-12-11
Strengthening Canada's Counter-Proliferation Framework The Government of Canada is considering changes to its counter-proliferation framework, and is asking key Canadian stakeholders in academia, the scientific community, and industry to become active partners in developing options to update it. This Discussion Paper provides information on the current framework and the challenges it faces. 2018-11-29
2017-2018 Evaluation of the Major International Event Security Cost Framework This report presents the results of the 2017-18 Evaluation of the Major International Event (MIE) Security Cost Framework Policy 2018-08-22
Summary of the 2017-18 Evaluation of the Major International Event Security Cost Framework This report presents the results of the 2017-18 Evaluation of the Major International Event (MIE) Security Cost Framework Policy 2018-08-22
Federal terrorism response plan: Domestic concept of operations As the threat from terrorism continues to evolve, Canada's response must continually adapt and change to keep Canadians safe. 2018-07-20
National Cyber Security Strategy Virtually everything Canadians do is touched by technology in some way – on a per capita basis, we spend the most time online of any country in the world, at 43.5 hours per Canadian per month. 2018-06-12
National Cross Sector Forum 2018-2020 Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure Canada's economic stability and national security depend on resilient critical infrastructure, such as banking, communications, and transportation. On a daily basis, Canadians count on critical infrastructure to provide safe food, clean water, reliable energy, and other essential services. 2018-05-11
2017 Public Report on the Terrorist Threat to Canada This year's Public Report on the Terrorist Threat to Canada takes a clear-eyed view of the dangers to Canada posed by terrorism, and lays out how our professional security agencies use a full array of tools and powers to keep us safe and respect our rights. 2017-12-21
Horizontal Evaluation of Canada's Cyber Security Strategy The evaluation assessed the extent to which the horizontal governance structure was effective in overseeing the Strategy's implementation; the extent to which participating departments and agencies implemented the Strategy's funded activities; and the extent to which planned activities contributed to achieving the Strategy's main objectives. 2017-10-10
Summary of the 2016-2017 Evaluation of Canada's Cyber Security Strategy (CCSS) The evaluation assessed the extent to which the horizontal governance structure was effective in overseeing the Strategy's implementation; the extent to which participating departments and agencies implemented the Strategy's funded activities; and the extent to which planned activities contributed to achieving the Strategy's main objectives. 2017-10-10
Five Country Ministerial 2017: Joint Communiqué We, the Interior Ministers, Immigration Ministers, and Attorneys General of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States met in Ottawa on June 26, 2017, to discuss both national security challenges facing our nations and proactive areas for collaboration. 2017-06-28
National Security Consultations: What We Learned Report The National Security Consultations (the 'Consultations') sought to engage Canadians, stakeholders and subject-matter experts on issues related to national security and the protection of rights and freedoms. 2017-05-19
Compendium of U.S. - Canada Emergency Management Assistance Mechanisms The Compendium of U.S.-Canada Emergency Management Assistance Mechanisms has been revised. The first edition was published in 2012.  2016-12-01
2016 Public Report On The Terrorist Threat To Canada To help build common understanding, this Report provides an assessment of the threat environment in 2015 and early 2016, drawing upon the knowledge and expertise of all departments and agencies of the Government of Canada. 2016-08-25
Fundamentals of Cyber Security for Canada's CI Community This document offers action-oriented guidance and mitigation measures to raise awareness and begin working towards achieving a minimum baseline level of cyber security; however, it is not a definitive guide on all aspects of cyber security. 2016-06-24
2014 Public Report On The Terrorist Threat To Canada Terrorism remains the leading threat to Canada's national security. Our Government will continue to take all appropriate action to counter terrorist threats to Canada, its citizens and its interests around the world. 2014-08-29
Archive - Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure (2014-2017) The National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure and the supporting Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure were announced on May 28, 2010. Together, they established a collaborative federal, provincial, territorial and critical infrastructure sector approach to strengthening critical infrastructure resilience. 2014-03-07
2013 Public Report on the Terrorist Threat to Canada The current report examines the most critical developments in terrorism in 2012. It looks at how terrorism can affect Canadians. It talks about some of the many measures taken by the Government in the last year to address the threat of terrorism. 2013-07-13
Cybersecurity Action Plan Between Public Safety Canada and the Department of Homeland Security Public Safety (PS) Canada and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are pursuing a coordinated approach to enhance the resiliency of our cyber infrastructure. 2012-10-26
Archived - Compendium of U.S. - Canada Emergency Management Assistance Mechanisms This agreement provides a framework for the U.S. and Canada to cooperate in planning for and responding to natural and man-made incidents, emergencies, and disasters.  2012-06-01
Considerations for United States - Canada Border Traffic Disruption Management 2012 This document provides a planning framework for border traffic disruptions management which requires the involvement and coordination of multiple agencies, organizations, and entities. 2012-05-14
Canada's Cyber Security Strategy Canada's Cyber Security Strategy is our plan for meeting the cyber threat. 2012-04-12
Building Resilience Against Terrorism: Canada's Counter-terrorism Strategy The overarching goal of the Strategy is: to counter domestic and international terrorism in order to protect Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests. 2012-02-09
National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure The purpose of the National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure (the Strategy) is to strengthen the resiliency of critical infrastructure in Canada. The Strategy works toward this goal by setting the direction for enhancing the resiliency of critical infrastructure against current and emerging hazards. 2011-11-10
Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure This Plan sets out action items in the areas of partnerships, risk management and information sharing. 2011-11-10
Progress Report - Air India Inquiry Action Plan This document represents a snapshot, taken at the seven month stage, of the progress that has been made to implement the Action Plan. 2011-07-07
Action Plan 2010-2015 for Canada's Cyber Security Strategy This document outlines the Government's plan to implement the Strategy and meet our ultimate goal of securing our cyberspace for the benefit of Canadians and our economy.  Substantial progress has been made to date with respect to the implementation of the Strategy. 2011-02-24
The Government of Canada Response to the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 This Action Plan outlines how the Government will address outstanding security challenges raised by the Commission.  2010-12-01
Canada-United States Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure The purpose of the Canada-U.S. Action Plan is to strengthen the safety, security and resiliency of Canada and the United States by establishing a comprehensive cross-border approach to critical infrastructure resilience. Pressures to take action and advance an integrated approach to critical infrastructure are mounting. 2010-07-09
Risk Management Guide for Critical Infrastructure Sectors Recognizing that the impacts of disruptions can cascade across sectors and jurisdictions, the purpose of this document is to provide practical guidance for implementing a coordinated, all-hazards approach to critical infrastructure risk management. 2010-07-01
Identifying and Marking Critical Infrastructure Management (CI/EM) Information Shared in Confidence with the Government of Canada The purpose of this Guide is to provide general guidance for private sector entities to help them identify sensitive CI/EM information and develop specific markings for this information when it is shared in confidence with the Government of Canada. 2008-07-07
Information Sharing and Protection under the Emergency Management Act The following information is a more detailed guide to the consequential amendment to the Access to Information Act pursuant to the EMA. 2007-12-01
Archive - Lessons to be learned The report of the Honourable Bob Rae, Independent Advisor to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, on outstanding questions with respect to the bombing of Air India Flight 182 2005-11-30
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