Publications and Reports

Contract Policing Assessment: What We Heard From March to December 2023, Public Safety Canada undertook engagement with provinces, territories and municipalities, Indigenous partners and other stakeholders to assess the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) contract policing program. 2024-05-27
Annual Report on the Use of Electronic Surveillance - 2022 The 2022 Annual Report covers a five-year period from 2018 to 2022. The Report includes new statistics for the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and updated figures for the years 2018 to 2021. 2024-05-06
Anniversary of the Release of the Mass Casualty Commission Final Report In October 2020, Canada and Nova Scotia established the Joint Public Inquiry into the Nova Scotia April 2020 Tragedy (the “Mass Casualty Commission” or “the Commission”), led by the Honourable J. Michael MacDonald, former Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, Leanne J. Fitch (Ret. Police Chief, M.O.M.) and Dr. Kim Stanton. 2024-03-28
Final Report | Mass Casualty Commission On March 30, 2023, the Mass Casualty Commission released its Final Report – Turning the Tide Together – in Truro, Nova Scotia and delivered to the Governors in Council of Nova Scotia and of Canada. The work of the Commission has now concluded. 2023-09-11
Annual Report on the Use of Electronic Surveillance - 2021 The 2021 Annual Report covers a five-year period from 2017 to 2021. The Report includes new statistics for the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 and updated figures for the years 2017 to 2020. 2023-04-04
Summary of the 2022 Federal Engagement on First Nations Police Services Legislation: What We Heard Report This report provides a summary of the engagement approach, the issues and considerations heard throughout the engagement and the next steps in the process. 2022-09-21
Mass Casualty Commission Interim Report Joint Federal/Provincial Commission into the April 2020 Nova Scotia Mass Casualty 2022-05-20
2020 Annual Report on the Use of Electronic Surveillance The 2020 Annual Report covers a five-year period from 2016 to 2020. The Report includes new statistics for the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 and updated figures for the years 2016 to 2019. 2022-02-23
2019 Annual Report on the Use of Electronic Surveillance The 2019 Annual Report covers a five-year period from 2015 to 2019. The Report includes new statistics for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 and updated figures for the years 2015 to 2018. 2021-03-01
Profile of Canadian Businesses who Report Cybercrime to Police This report examines the phenomenon of underreporting of cyber security incidents to police services using data from the 2017 Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime that was administered to Canadian businesses. 2020-02-14
Research Summary - Profile of Canadian Businesses who Report Cybercrime to Police This report examines the phenomenon of underreporting of cyber security incidents to police services using data from the 2017 Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime that was administered to Canadian businesses. 2020-02-14
Developing a Common Data Standard for Measuring Attitudes toward the Police in Canada This report discusses the inconsistencies in public attitude surveys across police services, and presents the recommended core indicators for measuring public attitudes toward the police in Canada. 2019-11-05
Research Summary - Developing a Common Data Standard for Measuring Attitudes toward the Police in Canada This report discusses the inconsistencies in public attitude surveys across police services, and presents the recommended core indicators for measuring public attitudes toward the police in Canada. 2019-11-05
Summary of the Evaluation of the Nation's Capital Extraordinary Policing Costs Program (NCEPCP) NCEPCP is a contribution program whose purpose is to reimburse the City of Ottawa in recognition of the unique policing environment created by the presence of federal landmarks, institutions and events of national significance in the Nation's Capital. 2019-10-09
Evaluation of the Nation's Capital Extraordinary Policing Costs Program This report presents the results of the Evaluation of the Nation's Capital Extraordinary Policing Costs Program (NCEPCP). 2019-10-09
Measuring Public Attitudes towards the Police – Technical Report Currently, there is no common approach across Canada to measure public attitudes towards the police. The objective of this study was to develop empirically-informed indicators that can be used by Canadian police services for this purpose. This report is part of a larger project led by Public Safety Canada and Halifax Regional Police, in consultation with the policing community, to establish evidence-based indicators as a common data standard. 2019-06-21
Response to Report on Workplace Harassment in the RCMP and the Review of Four Cases of Civil Litigation against the RCMP on Workplace Harassment There can be no more important obligation for a Government than the protection and safety of its citizens. For 145 years, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has played an indispensable role in this regard. 2019-01-16
Child Pornography Offenders: A Review The research summary is a review of the current state of knowledge on child pornography offenders, to determine implications for practice, and to highlight areas that are relevant for future research. 2018-05-01
Assessment of the Impact of the Ontario Fentanyl Patch-for-Patch Return Program This study evaluates the impact of the Patch-for-Patch programs implemented between February 2013 and April 2016. Cross-sectional time-series analyses were conducted to evaluate the impact of the program initiation on fentanyl dispensing, non-fentanyl opioid dispensing, opioid-related hospital visits and deaths, and fentanyl-related police incident. 2018-04-11
Research Summary - Offender Risk Assessment Practices Vary Across Canada What exactly does it mean when a correctional agency assesses an offender to be high risk? 2018-03-27
Research Summary - An Overview of Resource Allocation Models in a Selection of Large Canadian Police Services An examination of several police staffing models that are being applied across the country. 2017-11-03
2016-2017 Evaluation of the National Flagging System Program The National Flagging System is a database as well as a network of provincial/territorial coordinators responsible for identifying high-risk offenders for flagging purposes. The evaluation examined the relevance (continued need and alignment with the federal government's roles, responsibilities and priorities) and performance (progress towards achievement of intended outcomes, efficiency and economy) of the National Flagging System over the period of 2012-13 to 2016-17. 2017-09-21
Summary of the 2016-2017 Evaluation of the National Flagging System Program (NFS) The National Flagging System is a database as well as a network of provincial/territorial coordinators responsible for identifying high-risk offenders for flagging purposes. The evaluation examined the relevance (continued need and alignment with the federal government's roles, responsibilities and priorities) and performance (progress towards achievement of intended outcomes, efficiency and economy) of the National Flagging System over the period of 2012-13 to 2016-17. 2017-09-21
2016 Annual Report On The RCMP's Use Of The Law Enforcement Justification Provisions This report addresses the RCMP's use of specific portions of the law enforcement justification provisions from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016, and only includes information the disclosure of which would not compromise or hinder an ongoing investigation of an offence under an Act of Parliament.Note 2017-06-21
Measuring Illicit Cannabis Seizures in Canada The objective of this project is to examine the current methods of measuring the metric of cannabis seizures with particular attention paid to the way seizure information is recorded by law enforcement as well as to discuss the potential improvements to the way we currently measure the metric of cannabis seizures. 2017-06-13
Research Summary - Measuring Illicit Cannabis Seizures in Canada The objective of this project is to examine the current methods of measuring the metric of cannabis seizures with particular attention paid to the way seizure information is recorded by law enforcement as well as to discuss the potential improvements to the way we currently measure the metric of cannabis seizures. 2017-06-13
The Price of Cannabis in Canada The current report provides estimates of: 1) cannabis prices from 2011 to 2015; and 2) the price elasticity of cannabis demand in Canada. 2017-06-13
Research Summary - Price of Cannabis in Canada The current report provides estimates of: 1) cannabis prices from 2011 to 2015; and 2) the price elasticity of cannabis demand in Canada. 2017-06-13
Final Report on the Oral Fluid Drug Screening Device Pilot Project As a result of the Government of Canada commitment to legalize and restrict access to cannabis as well as increased concerns over road safety due to drug-impaired driving, Public Safety Canada and the RCMP, in collaboration with the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, undertook a pilot project with law enforcement from across Canada to test the use of oral fluid drug screening devices as tools to enhance the enforcement of drug-impaired driving. 2017-06-06
Research Summary: Civilianization of Police in Canada This report examines the purported benefits and challenges of employing civilians instead of sworn police officers to do different types of police work in Canadian police services. 2017-04-07
The Civilianization of Police in Canada This report examines the purported benefits and challenges of employing civilians instead of sworn police officers to do different types of police work in Canadian police services. 2017-04-07
Illustrative Case Studies of First Nations Policing Program Models The purpose of this research is to provide an in-depth exploration of the two primary policing models supported by the First Nations Policing Program (FNPP): Community Tripartite Agreements (CTAs) and Self-Administered (SA) agreements. 2016-12-09
Research Summary: Illustrative Case Studies of First Nations Policing Program Models The purpose of this research is to provide an in-depth exploration of the two primary policing models supported by the First Nations Policing Program (FNPP): Community Tripartite Agreements (CTAs) and Self-Administered (SA) agreements. 2016-12-09
Measuring the Performance of the Police: The Perspective of the Public Some key police performance metrics must be gathered through public opinion surveys. Little reliable information of this type is currently collected. Improving the validity and frequency of collected data would enhance police performance measurement. 2016-11-18
Research Summary: Use of Private Security for Policing This study examines the intersections between private security and public policing, with an emphasis on those functions that private security are now performing that have traditionally been performed by the public police, as well as cooperative efforts between public police and private security. 2016-10-17
The Use of Private Security Services for Policing This paper examines the intersections between private security and public policing, with an emphasis on those functions that private security are now performing that have traditionally been performed by the public police, as well as cooperative efforts between public police and private security. 2016-10-17
Research Summary: Cannabis Policy Performance Metrics The objective of this project is to itemize and discuss the main performance metrics suggested for the assessment of cannabis policy regimes. The intent is to discuss the various performance metrics that currently exist, as well as others that may need to be considered in advance, and upon implementation of, a new cannabis policy regime in Canada. 2016-09-27
Cannabis Performance Metrics for Policy Consideration – What Do We Need to Measure? The objective of this project is to itemize and discuss the main performance metrics suggested for the assessment of cannabis policy regimes. The intent is to discuss the various performance metrics that currently exist, as well as others that may need to be considered in advance, and upon implementation of, a new cannabis policy regime in Canada. 2016-09-27
Police Performance Metrics - Research Brief no. 31 Some key police performance metrics must be gathered through public opinion surveys. Little reliable information of this type is currently collected. Improving the validity and frequency of collected data would enhance police performance measurement. 2016-08-26
A Better Estimation of Police Costs by Offence Types The economics of policing and cost of crime remain important issues in Canada, yet much of it is done at an aggregated, macro-level, disallowing more granular estimates. 2016-06-20
Research Summary: Exploring How to Calculate Police Expenditures by Offence Determining costs-of-service trends is a critical concern for law enforcement agencies. It continues to be a constant challenge in Canadian society to balance the rising cost of police services while law enforcement agencies struggle with budget cuts. 2016-06-20
Improving Police Efficiency – Challenges and Opportunities This report identified inefficiencies in police interactions with the criminal justice system by conducting interviews with police officers, civilian police officials, Crown, and senior justice officials. 2016-06-20
Research Summary: Improving Police Efficiency The police experience inefficiencies when interacting with prosecution, defense and the courts. Most sources of inefficiency are amenable to mutually developed solutions. 2016-06-20
2015 Annual Report On The RCMP's Use Of The Law Enforcement Justification Provisions This report addresses the RCMP's use of specific portions of the law enforcement justification provisions from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, and only includes information the disclosure of which would not compromise or hinder an ongoing investigation of an offence under an Act of Parliament.Note 2016-06-16
Lifecycle of First Nation Administered Police Services in Canada Canada's First Nations Administered (FNA) police services have a unique history, a distinctive mandate and structure, and play a complex role in policing First Nation communities. 2016-05-20
Lifecycle of First Nation Administered Police Services in Canada The inception of the First Nations Policing Program in 1992 led to the creation of 58 new First Nation Administered (FNA) police services: 20 of these agencies have subsequently disbanded. 2016-05-20
2015 Summit on the Economics of Policing and Community Safety This report records the proceedings and outcomes of the Summit on the Economics of Policing and Community Safety: Innovation and Partnerships, which took place on March 2-4, 2015, in Ottawa, Canada. 2016-04-18
Economics of Policing and Community Safety - Policy Makers' Dialogue on Privacy and Information Sharing - Workshop Report In October 2014, Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Justice and Public Safety approved the Economics of Policing and Community Safety Shared Forward Agenda, a strategy for the future of policing in Canada. 2016-01-08
Research summary: Collection and Analysis of Data on the Use of Force Use of force by the police is rare. Knowing when and why it happens is important to minimize injuries. 2015-05-22
Research Summary: A Literature Review on the Amalgamation of Police Services in Canada There is a trend towards amalgamating police services. Medium-sized police services appear to be particularly effective. 2015-05-15
A Literature Review on the Amalgamation of Police Services in Canada Despite claims and popular assumptions surrounding police regionalization, the studies reviewed demonstrated that large regional police services are not particularly more effective or efficient than medium-sized non-regional services. 2015-05-15
2014 National Policing Research Symposium: Outcomes Report Canadian police services are facing a range of challenges and opportunities. The cost of policing ($13.5 billion in 2013) continues to rise yearly despite a steady drop in reported crime. 2014-09-26
Economics of Policing: Baseline for Policing Research in Canada The increasing complexity of the issues surrounding the delivery of police services requires that policy-makers, operational personnel and funding bodies be informed by evidence-based research. This is optimized when there is: funding for police research; police services have the capacity to conduct analyses on all phases of their operations; there are collaborative relationships between the police and academia; and structures exist to facilitate the dissemination of research findings to a wide audience. 2014-07-17
Economics of Policing: Summary Report of the Police Education and Learning Summit On September 17 and 18, 2013, the Economics of Policing: Police Education and Learning Summit brought together, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, more than one hundred representatives from approximately thirty Canadian police services, the three national police associations, federal and provincial representatives, as well as academic organizations to examine efficiencies in police training. Co-hosted by Public Safety Canada and the Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN), this event was structured around the broader 'economics of policing' dialogue while specifically focussing on issues related to police training. 2014-01-17
Trends in Indigenous Policing Models: An International Comparison The report reviews Indigenous policing models in Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand 2013-12-20
Canadian Police Board Views on the Use of Police Performance Metrics Cost-of-service trends are a major concern for the Canadian policing community and the public sector in general. In calendar year 2011 alone, total operating expenditures for Canadian local policing was roughly $12.9 billion. In response, innovative Canadian police services have begun to adopt a new management paradigm focusing on the use of performance indicators to help to: 1) rethink what services are of highest priority; 2) generate improved outcomes; and 3) better control service delivery costs. 2013-11-18
Police Performance Metrics - Research Brief no. 31 Few police services publicly demonstrate that they apply performance measurement principles in a sophisticated way. Police service board members have indicated little understanding of how to apply performance metrics in decision making. Performance measurement in policing is improving. 2013-11-18
Guidelines for a Community Consultative Group These guidelines have been designed to help volunteers from First Nation and Inuit communities participate in and contribute to the delivery of dedicated and culturally responsive police services in communities across Canada. 2013-07-31
Summit on the Economics of Policing - Summit Report On January 16-17, 2013, the Minister of Public Safety, on behalf of all Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for Justice and Public Safety, hosted the Summit on the Economics of Policing in Ottawa, Canada. This report provides a record of the proceedings, highlights key insights and observations, and outlines the proposed framework for policing in Canada. 2013-06-06
ARCHIVE - Delivering Change The RCMP Reform Implementation Council Fourth Report RCMP reform is now entering its second phase. The RCMP's focus on the specific recommendations of the 2007 Task Force on Governance and Cultural Change in the RCMP is now giving way to a new approach of promoting continuous change throughout the Force. 2010-03-01
Aboriginal Policing Update 2008 Aboriginal Policing Update 2008 2009-02-17
International Comparison of Indigenous Policing Models This paper provides a brief review of current policing programs and initiatives relating to Indigenous peoples in Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. 2008-01-23
Aboriginal Policing Update 2007 - Volume 1, No 1 Aboriginal Policing Update 2007 - Volume 1, No 1 2007-02-27
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