Pilot Projects for At-Risk Youth

We are no longer accepting funding proposals. Please check this web site periodically for updates.


Under Stream A of the Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime (CPCSOC), the Department of Public Safety Canada is seeking proposals from eligible organizations for projects and/or initiatives starting in fiscal year 2020-21 that support and advance efforts to prevent and combat human trafficking, with a specific focus on raising awareness of human trafficking among at-risk youth. This targeted contribution funding supports Public Safety Canada’s mandate by ensuring communities are kept safe.

Objectives of the Call for Proposal

Youth are one of the vulnerable populations at risk of being trafficked in Canada. According to police-reported data, just under 1,400 victims of human trafficking were reported by police in Canada between 2009 and 2018, with 28% of victims identified as being less than 18 years old.Footnote1 In order to prevent  at-risk youth from becoming victims of this crime and to enhance awareness of human trafficking among this vulnerable population, the objective of this call is to provide time-limited and multi-year contribution funding to eligible organizations to develop pilot projects that test promising or best practices with the focus of:

Requirements for Applications

In addition to adhering to the objectives of CPCSOC’s Terms and Conditions, eligibility will depend on an applicant’s ability to meet the following requirements:

  1. Applicants must demonstrate their experience in providing awareness-raising initiatives related to human trafficking to at-risk youth. This would include awareness activities such as identifying indicators of human trafficking, preventive actions, or empowering youth to be active participants in the prevention of their own potential victimization.
  1. Project proposals must demonstrate how the initiative will develop an innovative approach to creating awareness of human trafficking among at-risk youth and preventive actions youth can take to avoid victimization. Specifically, initiatives must incorporate how to recognize signs of human trafficking, how to recognize grooming and luring mechanisms commonly used by perpetrators, rights under the United Nations Rights of the Child Convention , and how to report suspected cases of human trafficking or exploitation. Initiatives should also include the creation, promotion and/or dissemination of educational and/or awareness materials/resources.
  1. Project proposals must include a targeted engagement plan describing how the project will consult or partner with group homes and child services agencies in the development of the initiative, and how the project will contribute to enhanced awareness of human trafficking among youth living in care.
  1. Applicants must provide a detailed description of the project and workplan, including expected results and how the project meets the objectives of the call and CPCSOC.
  1. Project proposals should include a collaboration plan that demonstrates planned efforts to promote at-risk youth involvement in the development and implementation of the at-risk pilot projects through leveraging resources and building partnerships with child services, group homes, shelters, academic institutions, Indigenous governments and groups, law enforcement agencies and other relevant stakeholders. The proposal should be accompanied with least two letters of support from partners.
  1. Characteristics of youth most at risk of human trafficking include being: under 18 years of age; of female gender identity; LGBTQ2+; Indigenous; homeless; and/or living in foster care. Youth with a history of significant conflict with parents/caregivers, and with previous experience with physical or sexual or physical abuse are also considered at risk. Taking these and other relevant characteristics into account, project proposals should demonstrate how the proposed initiative will be culturally appropriate and sensitive, acknowledge the specialized needs of vulnerable youth populations and incorporate a gendered and diverse approach in preventing exploitation, including ensuring that education and awareness materials and resources include inclusive language and a balanced and constructive perspective. Applicants must include a GBA+ (intersectional) analysis identifying how members of Indigenous and northern communities, youth, LGBTQ2+persons will be engaged. Failure to demonstrate consideration of gender and diversity in the proposal will result in the application being rejected.
  1. In support of Part VII, section 41 of the Official Languages Act, the project proposal must include a description of how the Official Languages Act and the federal government policies on official languages will be considered.
  1. Applications must include a performance and evaluation plan that demonstrates how outcomes of the proposed project will be measured.
  1. Applicant must include a description of how any confidential and personal information will be protected in accordance with the applicable federal, provincial or territorial legislation.

Available Funding

The level of funding will vary from project to project based on the nature of the proposed activities and the scope of the population served. Funding will be considered for single year projects or multi-year projects up to four years. The total federal funding available is up to $2,000,000 over a four-year period, starting in fiscal year 2020-21 (ending March 31, 2024). A total of $500,000 is available each fiscal year for all funded projects, with an anticipated maximum of $100,000 available per year for each project.

Funding is available to eligible organizations that are not currently receiving funding through Stream A of CPCSOC.

Funding through this call can be used for the following types of eligible expenses

Funding through this call cannot be used for the following types of expenses:

Note that the list of eligible and ineligible expenses are not exhaustive and applicants are encouraged to consult the budget template provided through this call, as well as the Terms and Conditions for the Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime (CPCSOC) when developing their applications.

Projects that include activities beyond the duration of Public Safety’s funding must be sustainable without further contribution from the Program. Please note that total government (federal/provincial/territorial/municipal) funding cannot exceed 95 percent of the eligible and supported expenditures. 

Proposals should include costs for translation of materials that would be distributed nationally, in keeping with the Official Languages Act.

Supporting Material:

As part of the application process, you must complete the application form and provide the following supporting material:

Application Process

Applicants interested in submitting an application should send their completed application form and supplementary information to Public Safety Canada by e-mail to ps.socgrantsandcontributions-cgcosubventionsetcontributions.sp@canada.ca no later than Friday, September 11, 2020.

Funding decisions will be made based on a review and approval process by delegated Departmental authorities. Decisions will be made based on a proposal's alignment with the Terms and Conditions of the CPCSOC, the proposal’s alignment with the requirements outlined in this document, and the availability of funding.

Please note that funding for this call for proposal is not guaranteed.

Failure to meet basic eligibility requirements or provide a completed application and supporting materials will result in your  proposal being rejected. 

Applicants will be notified of the status of their respective applications upon completion of the review  process.

Please note that the deadline to complete and submit an application under this call for proposal is 12:00 pm PST Friday, September 11, 2020. As this is a competitive process, applications received after this deadline will not be reviewed for potential funding.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, please do not hesitate to send your enquiries to ps.socgrantsandcontributions-cgcosubventionsetcontributions.sp@canada.ca.


  1. 1

    Cotter, A. 2020. “Trafficking in Persons in Canada, 2018.” Juristat Bulletin. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 85-002-X https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2020001/article/00006-eng.htm

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