Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Société de criminologie du Québec
Location : Montréal, Québec
Date : 2007-05-28
Value : $35,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : Since 1960, the Société de criminologie du Québec has been at the junction of professional practice, scientific research and community action regarding criminal justice. Through its mission, the Société de criminologie particularly fosters involvement from the community and from caregivers in crime prevention and reintegration. It conducts reviews and research aimed at contributing to progress in the criminal justice system and analysis of legislation and policy proposals. Every two years, the Société de criminologie du Québec organizes a major convention for meeting the needs of criminal justice system and community-based workers having to reposition themselves faced with the justice system in which they endeavour. The topics are high-level, generally addressed by experts or people close to the decision-making authority, and their scientific content contributes to progress in the theory and practice of justice and criminology. The Société de criminologie du Québec received grants under the National Crime Prevention Strategy, especially for previous conventions, for projects on taxing and bullying, and for a conference on Aboriginal people entitled La violence faite aux femmes et les jeunes, as part of the Société de criminologie du Québec's 32nd biennial convention. This convention, entitled La peine, ça vaut la peine d'en parler, will take place over three days. It is quite especially consistent with the National Crime Prevention Strategy's concerns, since emphasis will be on young people and recidivism. There will be about 15 workshops, including: Orientation et pratiques gagnantes en matière de toxicomanie, La délinquance au féminin…, …violence conjugale en milieu ethnoculturel, Référer les victimes de violence conjugale… : point de vue des policiers et des victimes. This project is supported by several partners such as the justice departments of Canada and of Quebec, and the Correctional Service of Canada, among others.
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