Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Corporation Wapikoni Mobile
Location : Saint-Laurent, Québec
Date : 2007-04-17
Value : $70,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : Wapikoni Mobile was designed to give young people the chance to express themselves through their artistic achievements in video or music. This project is not only meant to encourage the emergence of talent and the development of new skills, but also to be an opportunity for participating in various dissemination activities focused on exchange and communication. In addition to offering training and development workshops, Wapikoni Mobile gives young people the chance to leave their usual living environment and reach out to their community and beyond. The objectives of this phase remain similar, but this third stage aims to continue the work required to intensify activities related to transferring a certain number of responsibilities to young people in the communities. The audiovisual training activities in each community will continue, but this project also aims to set guidelines for a project impact evaluation through the lens of crime prevention. It is all to determine if this intervention model is an effective demonstration tool to prevent crime in other Aboriginal communities in Quebec and in Canada.
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