Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : The John Howard Society of Niagara
Location : St.Catharine’s, Ontario
Date : 2009-09-24
Value : $4,713,566.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : This project is proposing to implement Stop Now and Plan (SNAP®) for Schools Mental Health Based Program, a promising practice, which builds on the evidence-based SNAP® program. SNAP® has been identified as one of 11 model crime prevention programs by the National Crime Prevention Centre. SNAP® for Schools is a program that is currently in development and being tested by the Child Development Institute, the developers of SNAP®. The SNAP® model program is a Canadian-based, internationally recognized program. SNAP® is a cognitive-behavioural strategy that helps children and parents regulate angry feelings by getting them to stop, think and plan positive alternatives before they act impulsively. It is a community-based program for children who have come into contact or are at risk of coming into contact with the police and display early signs of anti-social or aggressive behaviour. The SNAP® model also offers additional supports such as counselling, individual befriending and victim restitution to children and their parents who are deemed (through use of standardized risk assessments) to be the most at-risk.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2009/2010 to 2012/2013
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