Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities
Location : Edmonton, Alberta
Date : 2009-09-17
Value : $1,823,946.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : This project will follow the SNAP™ (Stop Now and Plan©) model program which has been identified as a priority intervention by the NCPC. The intervention, delivered by trained practitioners, revolves around a manualized skill based teaching approach designed to enhance protective factors by helping to increase participants’ cognitive capacity and anger management abilities. This learning counters the negative consequences of antisocial behaviour, as well as the early onset of aggressive behaviour. The program introduces children to alternatives to the use of violence, aggressive behaviour, self harm and internal anger. Through teaching, interaction and role play, the program provides tools and supports to facilitate a change in children’s’ behaviour, decrease antisocial behaviour and increase impulse control, social confidence and school participation. The program reinforces the skills taught to the children by bringing the same information to the parents and assists parents in connecting to positive community activities and support systems. The parent program teaches parents effective child management strategies (such as maintaining routines, monitoring their child’s activities and managing disruptive behaviour) as well as enhancing parental emotional regulation, communication and problem solving skills and coping abilities. This allows for a more stable, supportive home environment to counter the factors that lead to children’s criminal behaviour.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2009/2010 to 2012/2013
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