Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Maison Marie-Frédéric
Location : Quebec City, Quebec
Date : 2008-02-27
Value : $298,919.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The approach used in this project is Résilience et d'Autonomisation [resilience and empowerment], which promotes individual awareness of the influence of risk factors that lead to recidivism. The first component of this program aims to offer access to stable and safe housing that is affordable and coaching to prevent participants from returning to their former environments and lifestyles. Throughout their stay, personalized intervention plans will be established based on the participants' needs: psychological consultation services, workshops on self-understanding, conflict management and communication, and training to develop social skills and life skills. This project also uses an integrated, “wraparound” approach. The partners are very important in this project and participate directly in program delivery. Some of them will offer front-line services and will act as a gateway for clients.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007/2008 to 2010/2011
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