Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : African Sudanese Association of Calgary
Location : Calgary, Alberta
Date : 2007-06-07
Value : $79,068.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : ASAC will be undertaking a thorough needs assessment on the situation of Sudanese youth in Calgary and surrounding communities. While it is suspected that the risk factors contributing to involvement in drug abuse, gang activity and becoming sexually exploited are low literacy, lack of positive role models and poor social support, a needs assessment will help to clarify the scope of the issues, reveal and solidify the root causes that lead these youth into crime. From this needs assessment, ASAC will be able to put together a solid plan, based on research, as to how best to assist the Sudanese youth and help them in becoming contributing members of society, which will lead to enhanced community safety. Objective(s): To work on prevention of Sudanese youths'engagement in gang activity, drug abuse and becoming victims of sexual exploitation, ASAC will: 1. conduct a needs assessment to clarify/identify the risk factors that encourage youth to become involved in these criminal behaviours and/or become victims of crime; 2. make recommendations that will serve to mitigate youth delinquency and criminality; and 3. identify resources/partners to implement a plan of action to address the issues.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007/2008 to 2008/2009
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