Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Location : Québec, Québec
Date : 2007-03-02
Value : $401,684.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The aim is to benefit from the exercise that arises in certain neighbourhoods and municipalities by observing how they will be able to convert their analysis results into an action plan and appreciate the quality of preventive measures provided for in these plans. Through participatory observation, which presumes coaching and support in the milieu to those who expressing a need, there will be useful lessons learned about the difficulties encountered and the results of the exercise of conversion in the observed communities. An observation in at least four communities is proposed, those being the most favourable among the five sites of the limited phase of the local crime prevention implementation strategy, the neighbourhoods of Montreal where the analyses were done under the auspices of their Tandem organization or, even among certain other sites where analytical measures are in progress and seem promising. The observations must allow information gathering on the methods of achieving conversion from analyses into an action plan in the chosen sites. Information must also be collected on the results of the exercise to find out whether it will be possible to develop an action plan that presents consistent preventive measures that are proven or promising, integrated, realistic and acceptable. To do so, an analysis needs to be carried out of the preventive measures proposed in the action plans and how they relate with the initial problems chosen for the analysis. Based on observations and analyses, the project proposes to develop and validate a guidance tool designed to facilitate and support milieus that engage in converting the results of a local safety analysis into an action plan.
Comments : Multi-year: 2007-08 to 2009-10.
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