Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : La Maison de jeunes 'par la Grand' Porte
Location : Montréal, Québec
Date : 2007-02-12
Value : $150,000.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : On behalf of the ASQVSME Coordinating Committee, the applicant agency will lead a series of simultaneous actions over the next three years that will involve the public, police services, community organizations and public institutions. The promoting agency has great credibility and enjoys the support of its partners like the Office municipal d'habitation [municipal housing office], the City of Montreal Police (neighbourhood station no. 30), as well as the Administration of the Service Famille-enfance-jeunesse et Santé publique [family-infant-youth and public health service administration]. During the first year, the applicant agency intends to develop relations with Le Chantier de Revitalisation Urbaine of Saint-Michel to strengthen cohesion among primary stakeholders and to hold meetings with community groups and young people to conduct a needs assessment. The work will complement the “Diagnostic sur les perceptions citoyennes et la criminalité” [diagnostic on public perceptions and criminality] by the Centre de loisirs Communautaire Lajeunesse [Lajeunesse community recreation centre]. Two meetings of around thirty people and two meetings of at least twenty-five young people are planned. Following that will be the analysis work, a needs review and a determination of the mechanisms and intervention strategies for the entire sector and for more targeted zones with specific objectives. Once that is done, the agency will be able to develop a timely, final evaluation plan as well as a concerted action plan, which will start being implemented as soon as possible. The second year will be spent on interventions and targeted actions, disseminating information within the partnership as well as the support of the pilot committee and partner agencies for implementing the action plan. These interventions include supporting the organization of resident committees; outreach work to at-risk youth and young prostitutes (30 young people); athletic, cultural and training activities for young people; community events in parks (three or more) and police surveillance/ intervention, etc. A mid-term evaluation will be conducted during the second year. Project activities will continue during the third year (support for carrying out the work plan, interventions and targeted actions of the action plan, etc.). Also to be conducted in the last year of the project is the final evaluation, analysis of the results in order to make recommendations to ASQVSME for project follow-up, the production of a tool to disseminate the results and the dissemination itself. There are many partners representing the majority of the community agencies working in the St-Michel neighbourhood, as well as the police station, the CLSC, City services, the Office Municipale d'Habitation de Montréal, the schools and the parish. During the diagnostic production meetings, members of the public and young people will be recruited to participate actively in the project launch, allowing them to take ownership of the project.
Comments : Multi-year: 2006-07 to 2009-10.
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