Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Persons Against the Crime of Trafficking in Humans (PACT - Ottawa)
Location : Ottawa, Ontario
Date : 2014-10-06
Value : $50,000.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : Funding will support Persons Against the Crime of Trafficking in Humans (PACT – Ottawa) to develop, coordinate and deliver the Educate to Empower Campaign, a human trafficking awareness campaign aimed at educating youth, and those who have a direct relationship to youth (parents, teachers, and service providers), about the methods employed by human traffickers to recruit and groom potential victims and the effects of victimization (i.e., isolation, control, exploitation). The Campaign will support prevention, education and early intervention outreach activities, specifically designed to engage high risk youth (ages 12-25) across Ottawa in the fight to prevent human trafficking.
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