Requests for federal assistance

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About requests for federal assistance

In Canada, emergencies are managed first at the local level: hospitals, fire departments, police and municipalities. If they need assistance at the local level, they request it from their province or territory. If the emergency escalates beyond their capacity, the province or territory seeks assistance from the federal government.

A request for federal assistance (RFA) is how a province or territory formally requests support from the federal government in their emergency response efforts. The RFA involves official communication and coordination between provincial, territorial or federal departments and Public Safety. It outlines the additional resources the jurisdiction needs for an effective response.

The province or territory submits a formal RFA to describe what they would need in federal government support for a successful emergency response. The well-established process in place for managing RFAs, through the Government Operations Centre (GOC), includes interdepartmental consultation and coordination.

RFAs can include support for:

The GOC continues to coordinate formal requests for assistance from federal departments and provincial and territorial governments.

RFAs can range from straightforward to complex requiring significant and sustained responses. Public Safety's regional offices and the GOC collaborate with the province or territory and other federal government partners to assess and address requests, whether through federal departments or non-government organizations.

Public Safety's Government Operations Centre is ready to respond to any situation, at any time. Its all-hazards approach to planning, response and support means the Government of Canada can adapt quickly, under any circumstance, when a province or territory asks for help.

Approved requests for federal assistance

Requests for federal assistance approved in 2024
Province / Territory Date RFA approved Type of emergency Details


July 24

Statement from Minister Sajjan regarding the wildfires situation in Alberta


The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) were available to provide firefighting resource, pre-positioning of strategic airlift resources for the evacuation of isolated communities, air support to move wildfire crews and equipment, and logistics support.

Other federal departments such as Parks Canada, Public Services and Procurement Canada, Canadian Coast Guard and Employment and Social Development Canada were prepared to provide assistance under their own respective mandates to assist the province of Alberta if needed.

Newfoundland and Labrador

July 13

Statement from Minister Sajjan regarding wildfires in Newfoundland and Labrador

The Canadian Armed Forces were available to provide the accommodations and provision of food services to those at 5 Wing Goose Bay.

Public Safety Canada worked with provincial officials to better assess the requirements for humanitarian workforce.

Nova Scotia

February 5

News Release: Government of Canada announces assistance to Nova Scotia with recovery efforts following significant snow storm

Snow Storm

Parks Canada (PC) provided resources to clear snow within the Cape Breton Highlands National Park and up to 10km outside of the park boundaries. Additionally, PC made a number of snowmobiles available.

The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) provided airlift assets to support the transport of personnel and supplies as required. Members of the Canadian Coast Guard College contributed to the snow removal efforts. Additionally, CCG offered to procure fuel bladders to assist with the transportation of fuel, if required.

Public Services and Procurement Canada supported the province by providing advice for the procurement of commercial options to assist in the provincial response to the impacts of this event.

The Canadian Armed Forces were available to provide search and rescue in life or limb situations.

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