S.810 Offender Management Program

Brief Description

The S.810 Offender Management Program (OMP) provides violent and/or sexual offenders who have served their full statutory sentences a safe residential transition, where they can address the criminogenic factors that place themselves at risk for reoffending. OMP identifies and addresses the barriers that hold these offenders back from successful reintegration into the community.

Program participants engage in activities such as addictions counselling/treatment, psychiatric assessment, employment search, income supports, and medical assessments/treatment. The proper supervision and assessments of the participants through these activities has resulted in reduced risk of reoffending. The opportunities for holistic supports have given program participants a reasonable chance to reintegrate into the community safely, for themselves and for others.


The main goal of the S.810 Offender Management Program is to develop a grassroots initiative aimed at preventing homelessness among warrant-expired high-risk violent and/or sex offenders released from prison. The program aims to:

  • Decrease the frequency of sexual and violent re-offence;
  • Reduce the usage of Edmonton shelter supports;
  • Manage and reduce the number of emergency medical visits for S.810 offenders;
  • Have basic needs (shelter) met;
  • Increase positive community connections and decrease isolation;
  • Address addiction issues;
  • Address mental health issues;
  • Increase personal income; and
  • Reduce reoffending (violent or sexual crime).


The appropriate clientele for the S.810 Offender Management Program are high-risk sexual/violent offenders (S.810) (aged around 30 years old) who are being released into the community after serving full-term sentences.  The program supported a total of 26 offenders, who had a combined total of over 500 various criminal charges. They are provided transitional housing and support services, where offender supervision can be maintained and offenders will be able to reintegrate successfully into the community.

Core Components

The core components of the S.810 Offender Management Program include:

  • EPS Behavioural Assessment Unit (BAU): BAU is an integral partner in initial and ongoing referral and support regarding reintegration, housing, and treatment/wrap-around services. BAU Detectives have a duty to locate and monitor S.810 offenders on a daily basis. BAU monitoring activities include making nightly check-ins with the offenders and tailing; and
  • Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA): CoSA is based on restorative justice principles. The team meets to facilitate access to participant needs (ex. access to medical services, social assistance, attainment of employment/affordable housing, etc.), provide emotional support, develop constructive and pro-social strategies to address everyday problems, and challenge the behaviours and attitudes of the participant that may be associated with their offending cycle.

Implementation Information

Some of the critical elements for the implementation of this program or initiative include the following:

  • Organizational requirements: The lead organization should have housing and income supports which are integral to obtaining and maintaining temporary or permanent housing and the pursuit of wrap-around services.
  • Partnerships: The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) should partner with Edmonton John Howard Society (EJHS).
  • Training and technical assistance: Limited information on this topic.
  • Risk assessment tools: Clients are assessed through the EPS Behavioural Assessment Unit (BAU).
  • Materials & resources: Limited information on this topic.

International Endorsements

The most recognized classification systems of evidence-based crime prevention programs have classified this program or initiative as follows:

  • Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development: Not applicable.
  • Crime Solutions/OJJDP Model Program Guide: Not applicable.
  • SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices: Not applicable.
  • Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy: Not applicable.

Gathering Canadian Knowledge

Canadian Implementation Sites

The S.810 Offender Management Program has been implemented in Edmonton (Alberta) from 2011 to 2014. Funding was provided through the Safe Communities Innovation Fund (SCIF), Government of Alberta.

Main Findings from Canadian Outcome Evaluation Studies

No information available.

Cost Information

A social return on investment (SROI) has been conducted on the S.810 Offender Management Program. The findings from this study have shown the following:

  • The SROI ratio is 2.26:1, demonstrating that for every dollar invested in the project, a social value of $2.26 was created;
  • Social value was created for the health system through reduction in A&MH resources; the CJS benefited through reduction in investigations, prosecutions and the cost of incarceration; and
  • Social value was also created through reduction in victimization and the emotional/psychological impacts which require system resources. 


Alberta Community Crime Prevention Organizations. (2015). Social Return on Investment (SROI) Case Study: S.810 Offender Management Program. Recipient of Safe Communities Innovation Fund, Government of Alberta. Available from: https://open.alberta.ca/publications/safe-communities-innovation-fund-pilot-project-executive-summaries

For more information on this program, contact:

John Howard Society
John Weeks
Telephone: (780)471-4525
E-mail: jweeks@johnhoward.org

Record Entry Date - 2018-03-12
Record Updated On - 2021-04-29
Date modified: