Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Dauphin Friendship Centre Inc.
Location : Dauphin, Manitoba
Date : 2006-07-11
Value : $92,180.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : The project will involve all walks of life and will promote the theme of respect. The purpose of the project is to educate, promote awareness and understanding as well as demonstrate to the general public how racism can and does affect businesses, education, crime/justice, mental health and well being as general life in the community. In response to concerns about the connections between racism and crime in the community, this project will develop and complete a racism audit. Partnerships will be strengthened with groups, businesses and organizations with similar goals on improving racial indifference and crime reduction. Community will be educated about racism and its effects through information packages targeted at specific professions, experiential learning events, partnerships, and community presentations.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2006-07 to 2007-08.
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